We offer top-quality legal advice on environment, health and safety issues and assist clients in related investigations or litigation proceedings. Our integrated regulatory and litigation team allows us to provide seamless coverage. We have represented clients in handling criminal investigations for the suspected crime of pollution and assisted in negotiating a remediation plan with the government. We assist companies conduct proactive compliance assessments on their health and safety practices and advise them of potential risks.
- A leading global natural resources company against the charge of smuggling solid waste. We successfully persuaded the prosecutors to drop all the charges against the client and its employees, which is very rare in the Chinese judicial system after the detention and arrest of the individuals.
- A U.S. multinational private equity firm in handling a criminal investigation and criminal proceeding initiated by the PSB for pollution charges against its Chinese subsidiary.
- A multinational company in a government investigation of environmental pollution and negotiating soil remediation and land disposal, and representing the client in related litigations.
- A global leading environmental protection company in an administrative lawsuit against the decision made by an environmental protection bureau in Xinjiang.
- A water resource management MNC in an administrative reconsideration on the decision of an environmental protection bureau to impose an administrative penalty on its air emissions.
- A world-renowned MNC in the chemistry sector on the emission of volatile organic compounds.
- A new energy MNC on the pollution discharge permits and environmental protection responsibilities.
- A world-leading manufacturing company headquartered in the United States in handling green land investment in Jiangsu, as well as soil pollution assessment and remediation related to its production plant in Shanghai.
- A well-known German water resources management company in bidding, investment, construction and financing of sewage treatment projects in China.
- A well-known US sustainable energy company on its portfolio of power generation and energy conversion facilities in China.