The Bluebook for Chinese Companies: Responding to Intellectual Property Litigations in the U.S.
As China transforms from being a major user of intellectual property into a very significant producer and creator of intellectual property, Chinese companies are increasingly finding themselves needing to protect their intellectual property as they expand into overseas markets. Often, this involves having to protect their intellectual property in the courts. For various reasons, including lack of experience, Chinese companies usually have little guidance when responding to IP litigation initiated by U.S. high-tech companies before the U.S. courts.
With our huge experience, Fangda’s IP team has reviewed and researched the IP litigation cases that Chinese companies have faced in the U.S. in recent years. In this Blue Paper, we provide detailed analysis and practical suggestions for Chinese companies on how to mitigate the risks of being sued in the U.S., how to improve management of their intellectual property, how to respond to legal actions in the U.S., and how to control litigation expenses, among other useful tips and pointers. In addition, we offer guidance on both procedural and substantive defense strategies with specific reference to patent and trade secret litigation in the U.S.